Fantage Bunny's Chat Box

1. No caps lock. (only for hapiness and omg, omfg, wth)

2. Please don't pretend to be your opposite gender.

3. Don't pretend to be someone else.

4. No advertising for other Fantage Blogs

5. No cursing (except u can use ass)

6. Be appropriate and don't post bad, or hack links.

7. No asking to be a higher pawn. (like a mod, or owner)

8. Don't share personal information.

9. No drama, only in private chat.

10. Don't be racist or judge anyone else's religion.

11. Never share your Fantage account.

12. Do not ask us if you can have the pass to the blog. (we will ignore)

13. Please don't spam!

14. Have fun!

Bunnian Family

 Hi! I'm Megan Bunnian! The sister of The Bunnian Family! I am spoiled but I am also crazy. I'm very nice though:)
My sisters is Amber . I'm a girl with alot of swag :D ~Megan~

Hey! I'm Amber, and I'm one of the sisters of the bunnian Family.I;m sisters with  Megan.. and my mom is Victoria. I am fun and awesome to hangout with so give me a call if ya want to hangout . Anyways I'm very generous, once you get 2 know me!

Hi I'm Victoria. I am the mom of Megan and Amber. I spoil 1 and 1 only, Megan. I'm nice and never mean just like Megan. Hope 2 see you on the chat!